ISP  Alerts  




2024 E Scams


The following email messages are examples of actual email phishing scams or attempts to deliver a virus via email. Most of these examples appear to have been sent by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
You may also receive this type of email scam that appears to have been sent by Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, or a familiar credit card or bank.


If you do receive one of the following emails or a similar email message in your inbox, please avoid opening any attachments and delete the email.



NOTE: If you receive a questionable email and it is not listed here, do not assume that the email is valid. This list is simply a small sample of the large amount of scam emails that are circulating.



From:YOUR ISP <random email address>

Subject:Privacy Policy Update

Date:Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:22:44 -0700


Protecting your privacy is important to us

Dear Customer,

We notice you have not Upgraded to the new version of your ISP webmail , You are required to Upgrade your Mail because we are closing all old versions on, March 20 ,2024 .it's time for all Users to upgrade before losing their access to login into :

This will even keep your information more secure. Please Upgrade now

Click here for Upgrade


We appreciate your understanding of this change and thank you for being a Golden West customer.


YOUR ISP Customer Service • your ISP phone number•your ISP website

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Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 21:40:23 +0000


Subject:Mail Reset Alert


Webmail user,


As a consequence of the maintenance we are undertaking to reduce the number of inactive accounts, all YOUR ISP emails must be changed. You can be back on the road faster than ever before thanks to our newly enhanced services. Accounts that are not updated within 24 hours will be suspended. Enjoy the unfettered freedom of the open road with the knowledge that we have your back.


Please keep in mind that if you do not resolve this issue within 24 hours, your account will be deleted.

The Webbail Support Team is grateful




Subject:Your ISP Service Message

Date:20 Jun 2024 06:03:49 -0700


This is an automatically generated message.


Following a recent evaluation of your email account, we have identified a critical security risk that requires immediate attention. As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding our users' accounts, we have implemented an essential system upgrade.


To ensure uninterrupted email service and continued access to your incoming messages, we urge you to take prompt action and upgrade your account. Access our secure account update page by clicking the link provided below:


Login - YOUR ISP (Link Removed)


Thank you for choosing YOUR ISP. We appreciate your business.


Please do not respond to this email. All responses are automatically discarded.